Business 5 – A – Side Football Tournament

Apr 29th 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
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Calling all local businesses!


Do you have the team capable of lifting the trophy?


Are you a Manchester or a Lincoln City?


Are you Premier or National League?


Thanks to our partner Middlesbrough College group we are looking for teams to take part in our Business 5 A Side Football Tournament on Friday 29th April 2022 at Middlesbrough College. It’s a 5 a side football tournament with mixed teams allowed to participate.


The cost is £200 per team with 100% of the proceeds going to MFC Foundation.


The winning team will be presented with the coveted “MFC Foundation” trophy and be crowned “Business 5-A-Side Champions” for 2022.


If you would like to reserve a place and be invoiced direct please email




Apr 29th 2022
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm