MFC FOUNDATION is one of a number of organisations offering a limited number of free places on holiday courses this summer.
We’re part of the Xplore Summer Club 21 project which overall is offering 1,000s of free places to primary and secondary school-aged children. This is on offer for four days a week over four weeks, throughout the summer holidays, including specific provisions available for children with SEND or additional needs.
Xplore is open to children and young people currently eligible for free school meals and as part of MFC Foundation’s courses, children can access the equivalent of four weeks’ worth of activities with a nutritious meal cooked by either Chef Matei Baran, or Kit-chen in Linthorpe.
Places are funded by The Department for Education as part of the Government’s expanded Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme, which is running across Middlesbrough and Redcar & Cleveland.
To book, please follow the links next to each activity. These will take you to a website where this is explained in more detail and subsequently to a booking page.
It’s a very simple two click process and easy to fill in forms.
Alternatively, you can call and speak with someone at The Junction on 01642 756000.
Train Like a Pro (football) From w/c July 26th
Herlingshaw Centre Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Train Like a Pro (football) From w/c July 26th
Loftus Cricket Club Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Give it a Go (multisport) from w/c August 2nd
Herlingshaw Centre Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
In the event of adverse weather conditions, courses at the Herlingshaw can be held indoors.
Coaching on MFC Foundation courses will be delivered by MFC Foundation coaches.