International Women’s Day

TODAY Tuesday, March 8th 2022, is International Women’s Day.

Running with the hashtag #BreakTheBias, organisers are calling on everyone to celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness against bias and take action for equality.

This is an ethos endemic within MFC Foundation where we have a proven track record of helping and making a positive difference, evidenced recently when we were visited by 30 Afghan refugee women.

The ladies, who had been forced to flee their homeland and have found temporary refuse in another part of England, made a late decision to come to the women’s internationals held at the Riverside.

There was a near three-hour gap between the games involving Germany and Spain and England and Canada, so we put on a coaching course at short notice at the Herlingshaw. Logistically challenging, but well worth the effort.

These ladies had seen their lives torn apart through no fault of their own, yet they had stayed strong and come together, ready to rise again in a different country where they can help others achieve, knowing here they are respected as equals.
