FIT BORO – East Cleveland
DO you live in East Cleveland? Are you male? Aged 35-65? Know someone who fits the criteria?

Then read on….

Having just delivered a fantastic FIT BORO course for the ladies, now it’s your turn guys!

A free 12-week course for men who want to tackle their weight, be happier and healthier gets underway later this month and you have the choice of two venues.

Skelton Civic Centre every Wednesday from Wednesday the 18th at 5:30pm and Loftus Leisure Centre every Friday at 1.15pm from Friday January 20th.

This will be our third course in East Cleveland and the feedback has been great, including but not limited to…. “I really enjoy coming each week and exercising with a group, this helps motivate me and keeps me coming back.” Not day you hear that about a Get Fit/Keep Fit session is it?

Sign up now by, e-mailing Gary at, or by following this link