
Photo of Lynsey Edwards

Lynsey Edwards

Head of Foundation

Photo of Craig McManus

Craig McManus

Deputy Head of Foundation

Photo of Paul Shepherd

Paul Shepherd

Business Development Manager

Photo of Ruth Martin

Ruth Martin

Safeguarding Officer

Photo of Rachael McKinnell

Rachael McKinnell

Employability Tutor

Photo of Fayzan Hanif

Fayzan Hanif

ATF Community Ambassador

Photo of Paul South

Paul South

Health Coordinator

Photo of Oliver Swain

Oliver Swain

Youth Support Officer

Photo of Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy

Business Development and Fundraising

Photo of Sean Mackin

Sean Mackin

Deputy Centre Manager

Photo of Nicole Turner

Nicole Turner

Senior Finance Assistant

Photo of Andrew Peacock

Andrew Peacock

Loneliness Project Worker

Photo of Gemma Bellas

Gemma Bellas

Business Support Team Herlingshaw

Photo of Mark Carney

Mark Carney

School Sport Coordinator

Photo of Daniel Thompson

Daniel Thompson

Education and Employability Officer

Photo of Gordon Cox

Gordon Cox

Media and Communications Manager

Photo of Marrie Wieczorek

Marrie Wieczorek

Project Worker

Photo of Sophie Kerry

Sophie Kerry

PL Kicks Targeted Youth Coordinator

Photo of Gary Walton

Gary Walton

Adult Health and Wellbeing Coordinator

Photo of Lee Harding

Lee Harding

Boro Bus Coordinator

Photo of Sam Fletcher

Sam Fletcher

Media Officer

Photo of Natalie Guy

Natalie Guy

Premier League Primary Stars Coordinator

Photo of Steven Atwood

Steven Atwood

Business Support Team Herlingshaw

Photo of Liam Watson

Liam Watson

Social Inclusion Manager

Photo of Graham Knox

Graham Knox

Data and Impact Coordinator

Photo of Kelly Young

Kelly Young


Photo of Eve Allen

Eve Allen

Youth Engagement Coordinator

Photo of Daniel Kerrison

Daniel Kerrison

Business Support Team Herlingshaw

Photo of Ben Lewis

Ben Lewis

Business Support Team Herlingshaw

Photo of Travis Dixon

Travis Dixon

Education Activator

Photo of Beth Dobson

Beth Dobson

Premier League Primary Stars Project Worker

Photo of Daniel Laws

Daniel Laws

Education Transition Officer

Photo of Marshall Thorogood

Marshall Thorogood

Project Worker

Photo of Oliver Stewart

Oliver Stewart

Project Worker

Photo of Steven Bell

Steven Bell

Education Manager

Photo of Jack Williams

Jack Williams

Education Activator

Photo of Matthew Carr

Matthew Carr

Community Activator

Photo of Hassan Mtambo

Hassan Mtambo

Health Project Worker

Photo of Gail White

Gail White


Photo of Paige Rowley

Paige Rowley

Business Support Team Herlingshaw

Photo of Neil Dooley

Neil Dooley

Health and Wellbeing Activation Coordinator